Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy New Decade!

Finished assisting the display team at Barnys in NYC this week, and it was fun. I never realized all the people involved in such things. There were easily a dozen or so people involved, lighting, styling, choosing accessories, taking inventory, etc.

Another thing I learned is that being inside a store window is (I imagine) not unlike being an animal at the zoo. Hundreds of people pass by giving you strange looks, stopping briefly and pointing, etc. The funniest thing however, was how on a couple different occasions several women dressed head to toe in fur (wish it was faux) tapped on the window and give me an enthusiastic "thumbs up" as their eyes twinkled with excitement. LOL

Here are a few pics I snapped from INSIDE the window: Enjoy!

As I was painting out the floor around mannequins in priceless couture on my last day, I noticed a older gentleman hanging out snapping photos. I came to find out that man is none other than Bill Cunningham from the New York Times. I will admit I don't read the Times but I am going to start checking out Bill Cunningham's online video commentary installments called "On the Street" because I think he's got an interesting perspective and something to say. I've only watched a few of his videos thus far, but I got a kick out of his stories and seeing his unique pics scroll by as he talks about street life in NYC. I'm going to take careful note of his column in the next two weeks and see if yours truly makes a brief appearance (fingers crossed)!

If you're unfamiliar with Mr. Cunningham's work I suggest you pop over to the Times website and look for his series "On the Street" (in the style section):

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