I hope you all like the Eric paper doll. I've tried my best to include outstanding outfits from the novels (the silk boxers, silk pajama pants, red bikini briefs, pink spandex, etc.) as well as some of my favorites from the HBO series (the bloody haircut barber thing, the track jacket, and classic tank top).
There is still LOTS more cooking for Eric's doll as well as the others. More fun outfits and accessories... and some more dolls, too! So please check back or feel free to write me or leave a comment and let me know what you're doing with these crazy creations. And PLEASE feel free to go crazy and make your own clothes, additions, etc. Draw some bloody tears or even give him angel wings? The sky's the limit! :)
Much love and thanks again to all of you for your exciting comments and support. It really means a lot to me, and I really appreciate it.
No worries! I love your shit and its worth the wait...
Eric's doll it's just amaaazing, thank you so much!!
Will you still do another paper dolls now that this season ended? If you'll do, please do a MaryAnn doll too, she's my favorite character, and I'll love to recreate her parties with all the other dolls, xD
Love you work a lot! Thank you!
Oh, Andy! The Eric doll is all I thought it would be and more. And I love that you included some of the outfits from the books, too.
OMG Andy. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Eric you've made.
He's Superb.
Aww, you even added amnesiac Eric's red undies!
It is so wrong to lust after a paper doll?? Ha!
I LOVE IT, Andy! Thank you. Gracias. You did the Gracious Plenty proud, let me tell you! You are seriously talented and that talent is much appreciated. *Hugs & Smooches for Andy*
Awesome dolls, any ideas when/how often you're gonna be putting extras up? I cannot wait for them!!
Andy...you are just so talented and wonderful for giving the fans what they want! yaay! thank you!
Can I make a request for some trousers/jeans for Sookie? She has that Camp Blood t-shirt and nothing to wear with it... Also that purple dress from the season 2 finale was nice. And a tux for Eric ;)
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