Monday, March 15, 2010

March madness

Last month in honor of Valentines Day, I held a caption contest for a Holiday inspired cartoon. The prize awarded was a 4x6 sketch of the winner's choice of True Blood characters. The winner was DeeDee, and can you guess what character she picked? Here's a clue:

Well, seeing as this month is St.Patricks Day I suppose it's time for another contest.
This time I'm going to pick a person completely at random that's posted a comment. The winner will get a 4x6 sketch of their favorite BUFFY the Vampire Slayer character!

Why BUFFY? Well, I happen to be watching them all on DVD right now. I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure out who my favorite character is. I'm torn between Giles and Willow. But really, I love them all. Right now I'm on season three, or is it season four? It's the season that they go off to college. Anyways, I love this show and hope you all do too. You do... don't you?

However, you can only post ONCE! Be fair: one chance per customer.
(Lissen up, DeeDee: I'm barring you from this contest so someone else can win, OK?)
So rub something Irish, and hope the luck transfers with your post.
The contest starts now until March 29th! Happy St.Paddy's and good luck to you!


Keysha C. said...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is endlessly re-watchable. It's completely Joss Whedon's masterwork.

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Oh pick me! I plan to name my first daughter Buffy! Next one will be Willow.


Rita said...

I have two as well Giles and Angel
but i guess i will go Angel.

Woodstock said...

My favorite will always be Willow. Geekgirl unite!

Izebhel said...

That show is my all-time fav! Too hard to pick a fav character for me, though; I liked how the Scoobs balanced each other out when they worked together. :)

MissFlax said...

I'm a little confused on how this contest works, explain a little more...would ya'? my favorite buffy character is anya she had no verbal filter and she was petrified of bunnies. love her.

Eric's Gracious Plenty said...

If Eric is not available, I want Spike!! MWAHH!

Anna said...

Love, love, love this show! Though, I am ashamed to say I´ve just 'discovered' this show... *blushes*
However, I am slightly obsessed with it now. :D
As to who my favourite is.... SpikeSpikeSpikeSpikeSpikeSpikeSpikeSpikeSpikeSpike....and Willow! *grins*

Indecisive Twit said...

OH! Oh my goodness! I loooove all things Joss! I hope you (randomly) pick MEEEE!!!! ;)

Oh, for me, it's definitely & unquestionably SPIKE. I absolutely cannot resist that HEAD TILT & raised eyebrow (& the abs & the arms & the black fingernails & the swagger...siiigh.) <3

Andy said...

MissFlax (and anyone confused by how the contest works). The winner is chosen completely at random using

Only one comment post per person, please! ;)

bluebear_74 said...

I still remember once upon a time getting so excited when Buffy first started. Wow I would have been 9-10 at the time, doesn't seem age appropriate now I think about it...